Sunday, April 30, 2017

It's Here!! It's Finally Here!!

Looky what came in on the delivery truck today!!! The perfectist eber CUDDLE couch!!!!!! It fits perfectly! The best part? Daddy 💕 sat with me on about 50 different "cuddle" couches trying to find the perfect one!!

Isn't it the neatest?! We even bought the matching ottoman so that we could make a mini-sectional! *claps hands* the WHOLE bus was designed around this cuddle couch! Can't wait to spend many evenings cuddle with Daddy 💕!!!

It's a good day!
Happy RV'ing!!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Sleep Tight .. Well NOT Yet!

So I finally got around to getting the good plywood cut and ready for the bed platform. Nathan came over to help cause I just couldn't lift the heavy 3/4 plywood!

All installed with seams and holes covered with Zip tape .. that stuff is expensive but AMAZING!! and I have only found it at Lowe's!

There's a small lip that sticks up just enough to prevent the mattress from slipping off when stopping! Not sure if it's going to stay, but for now it works!

Haha! I didn't account for the 2x4 wall change, it was originally supposed to be made with 2x2 ... so I had to overhang the plywood about 2" to make sure the mattress fit properly. Queen sizes are 60"x80" ... so keep that in mind when you build your bed!

Happy RV'ing!!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Floors and Wall Stain ... Undecided

So I was wondering around my knew favorite store today ... Home Depot and came across this amazing floor! It's just the most beautiful gray and it's like 30 year flooring! It looks like wood planks, it's a bit thinner than hardwood flooring but a lot thicker than traditional stick on tile. This also has snap together grooves so each piece literally connects to the one beside it! It's going to look beautiful!!

What do you think?

and since we're wanting to use refurbished pallet wood for some of the walls, the new decision is what color of stain to use? There's just sooooo many choices! Daddy picked out three of his favorite ... and so did I ... bet you can't guess which ones!

Happy RV'ing!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The In-Between #9

Gosh! This blanket will be done before we both know it! I am trying to get a lot done cause
I knows I'll get bored and end up adding this project to her WiPs ROFLMAO everyone knows it!! Look at this beautiful square!

I could do a WHOLE blanket with just these!! Beautiful!

Happy Hooking!!

Monday, April 10, 2017

The In-Between #8

It's been really, really hot here and I get  a LOT of crochet done when I'm not working on the bus! That, and I couldn't sleep ... so here's #8:

Now, I cannot find the original pattern and do not remember where this one came from! I'll keep looking and update this post when I can :)

Happy Hooking!!

Friday, April 7, 2017

Never-ending Paint ...

It seems that everything needs to be painted and since we did not remove the interior walls ... we needed a paint that would stick to metal. So we primed everything with 123 Primer and then used a nasty enamel on the walls in the very light gray from our color palette... the color's pretty though! Took all day and a lot of patience because that stuff is THICK!

Happy RV'ing!!

The In-Between #7

I absolutely loves anything by Helen Shrimpton! She's is an amazing designer!! Here's In-between #7 Spiro Star! (download here)

These square are uber easy and can literally be done in one evening! The hardest part is getting the colors right LOL

Happy Hooking!!

Surprise for Daddy ...

It's been yucky here the last few days and I haven't gotten too much done on Freedom. I decided that I wanted to make a surprise for Daddy 💕 and have been working on it in uber silence! Shhhhh .....

Well, days and days later ... and a grand reveal to my love,, I can now share on my blog!

I took the dining table from the original RV that Daddy 💕 was going to remodel and repurposed it for Freedom. I used chalkboard paint (yuk! never again) and had a vinyl made for the lettering ... I tried to coat it with different epoxies but apparently, chalkboard paint is picky! Since the table might get wet, it was SOOOOOOO hard to find the right one and it was a nightmare. I will never, ever use chalkboard paint for anything other than chalkboards again! 😢

They did have pretty colors that matched the decor! LOL

Heres a collage of all the work I did .. it was fun!

and the grand reveal! TADA!!

Happy RV'ing!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The In-Between #6

It's time for another square in Freedoms special blanket! After seeing some of the not-so-pleasing-squares from the CAL I was doing, I ventured off and found other ones to do! Here's #6:

This one is by Carolyn Christmas and is called Emmalynn Square (download it here). I absolutely loved this pattern!! Another square closer! Yay!

Happy Hooking!!

Pony Wall Update, First Coat of Paint

We eventually moved Freedom into the barn, to just make sure she didn't get rained on. This got me out of the sun and more able to work....