Thursday, February 23, 2017

Wedding Time ...

Our youngest is getting married today! Gosh ... is it that time already? They decided to have a small ceremony so that he can get the paperwork done for enlisting in the Army ... so a pre-wedding to the wedding LOL

We'd like to welcome Greg and Rene to our family! We are so happy to have you around to keep Madisen so happy! πŸ’‹

Life and weather keep getting in the way of working on Freedom ... oh well! We'll get there soon!

Happy RV'ing!!!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

The In-Between #4

Yep, it's that time again ... another square down! This square came out a bit big I think ... but hopefully in the end, it'll all work out.

Square #4
Happy Hooking!

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Pink Stuff ... Everywhere

Afternoon RV'ers! We decided to work on the insulation today ... no wind = work day! We talked about it and talked about it until we decided that we wanted to use insulation board instead of the traditional pink stuff ... it cost just under $20 a board and should hold up to being in the floor.

It was hard work figuring out the best way to get it in. We tried eyeballing it and cutting it with a circular saw at first ... WAY too much waste, noise and crap thrown up in the air so finally we decided on measuring each slot and marking it out with sharpie on the board - then cutting it with a saw-saw since our jig saw blade sucks and we have TONS of saw-saw blades LOL this ended up working perfectly as we got tons done in about an hour ... the first way took all day and we got like 5 pieces done πŸ˜’

Hopefully we'll get it done in the next few days and be able to get the plywood flooring in and I can start on the bed and freshwater tank cage!

Happy RV'ing!!!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Total Black Out

Hello again RV'ers! We've been trucking along on the bus ... we'll get it done some day LOL

On this day ... we got the back blacked out since we are building a wall that will seperate the back window and back door from the rest of the bus. We will be using this as storage and a place for our freshwater tank and on-demand water tank. It's a combination of black spray paint on the metal areas and chalkboard paint on the actual windows. We were told that it was made for glass and should take a beating ... here's to hope!

We also got my seat installed. The main seat body is being recovered in the gray fabric that we picked out from Hobby Lobby ... it's in an early post. The base was attached directly to the body of the bus. We even included the seat belt! Now, we have to figure out how to do the floor around the seat belt LOL oops!

The thread you see was how we were able to get one of the bolts into the hole we drilled because the gas tank was in the way underneath and we couldn't access it through the gas compartment. Think smarter, not harder. Worked like a charm!!

Well that was a lot of work and glad it's done ...

Happy RV'ing!!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Upside Down and All Around - Flooring

We worked ΓΌber hard today! Daddy πŸ’• did a great job and helped me out sooooo much! He even managed to snap a photo!

We decided to do a grid so that it would hold up Daddy πŸ’• ... He's always worried that he'll break the floor 😌 we are using 15/32" plywood so this should help not only comfort Daddy πŸ’• but help with the heavy stuff we're putting in!

Here's the end of day 2 ...

Happy RV'ing!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

My Little Helper and the Floor!

As I stated in a previous post, we decided to go with 2x2 for the subfloor and 15/32 for the plywood layer. We don't have much by way of insulation, so we decided to use the pink foam board ... it will add only R5 but it's something. We purchased it at Home Depot for about $20 a board and bought 6 of them, including 6 styrofoam boards with silver HVAC backing. Those ran about $12 a board.

While Daddy πŸ’• and I were getting to work on the floor our daughter, Katilyn, and grandson, Garet, showed up. It was a warm day so his Momma had him in his diaper πŸ˜‚ They both helped out tremendously! Little Buddy held on to the marker and tape measure!

While Daddy πŸ’• was cutting the wood down to size, me and daughter were setting them in place. We screwed the outside down and plan to toenail the cross rungs.

Supplies Purchased:
  • 50 2x2
  • 12 insulation boards
  • 10 2x4
  • Liquid Nails
  • Wood to metal screws 2 1/2"
  • a new exacto knife
We decided to go across the width of the bus versus the length so that we wouldn't have to keep butting up wood pieces. We cut off about 4" and they fit across the bus perfectly! We were going to use  Liquid Nails but it would not stick to the Flex Seal ... like not even close! So we ended up using the wood to metal screws on the outside pieces and will probably use brads to toenail the rest. We got a lot done; Freedom is starting to take shape!!

Happy RV'ing!!

Monday, February 6, 2017

The In-Between #3

Yep, it's that time again ... the afghan is coming along nicely! This square was not one of my favorite but I persevered through it! In the end, it turned out perfect!

Square #3:

Happy Hooking!!

Finally ... a Color Palette

Daddy πŸ’• and I had decided on the colors for Freedom, but only in the yarn I was using to work on the afghan. I finally got around to Home Depot and pick out some lushes colors from Valspar.

We choose a very, almost white, gray for the walls, two other shades of gray to share among things such as the cabinets and fabric, a green and a teal. I was uber excited and glad that I can get all these in high quality paint from Valspar.

Paint Codes:
  • Gray Palisade 7006-2 - walls
  • Lead Cast 5007-2B - TBD
  • Hazy Stratus 4004-1C - kitchen cabinets
  • Ocean Voyage 5003-8B - TBD
  • Olive Marinade 6007-SC - TBD

Anything that is metal will be primed with 123 Primer first and then painted with an oil based paint + primer. Everything else will either be satin or high gloss, depending on their application. I am ΓΌber excited!!

Tools Needed: TBD

Happy RV'ing!!

Pony Wall Update, First Coat of Paint

We eventually moved Freedom into the barn, to just make sure she didn't get rained on. This got me out of the sun and more able to work....